
Interface Summary
GenerateCPL Java content class for generateCPL element declaration.
GenerateCPLType Java content class for anonymous complex type.
ObjectiveFunction Java content class for objectiveFunction element declaration.
ObjectiveFunctionType Java content class for anonymous complex type.
SAMTE Java content class for SAMTE element declaration.
SAMTEType Java content class for anonymous complex type.
SimulatedAnnealing Java content class for simulatedAnnealing element declaration.
SimulatedAnnealingType Java content class for anonymous complex type.

Class Summary
CplType Java content class for cplType.
InitialSolutionType Java content class for initialSolutionType.
NeighbourhoodType Java content class for neighbourhoodType.
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
ObjectiveType Java content class for objectiveType.

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