
This package holds the model for the repository package.


Interface Summary
DomainSyncAlgorithm This interface must be implemented only by the algorithms that have a local database related to a domain.
DomainTMSyncAlgorithm This empty interface must be implemented only by the algorithms that have a local database related to a domain and to a traffic matrix.
LSPBackupRouting This interface specifies the methods required by a algorithm that compute backup LSP.
LSPPrimaryRouting This interface specifies the methods required by an algorithm that computes primary LSPs.
SPF This interface describes the Shortest Path First service.
TotemAction Generic interface for a Action
TotemAlgorithm Each algorithm must implemented this generic interface

Class Summary
AddLspAction This action describes an LSP and can be used to add the LSP on the domain
LSPBypassRoutingParameter This class specifies the information needed to compute a bypass backup.
LSPDetourRoutingParameter This class specifies the information needed to compute a detour backup.
LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter This class specifies the information needed to compute a primary LSP.
LSPRoutingParameter This abstract class is the base class for the routing parameters classes.
PreemptLspsAction Action to manage LSPs preempted by computation algorithm
SetLspReservationAction This action can be used to set the reservation of an LSP.
TotemActionList<E extends TotemAction> A list of TOTEM actions.
TriggerRerouteLspsAction Class used to trigger rerouting.

Package Description

This package holds the model for the repository package.

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