
This package holds exceptions for the trafficMatrix package.


Exception Summary
DataConsistencyException Thrown when the state of the object is not consistent.
InvalidFileException Thrown when a given file is not in the expected format.
InvalidLinkLoadComputerException Thrown when a method tries to access to an inexistent LinkLoadComputer.
InvalidTrafficMatrixException Thrown when a method tries to access to an inexistent traffic matrix or when a method tries to add a traffic matrix which is inconsistent with the specified domain.
LinkLoadComputerAlreadyExistsException Thrown when trying to add a LinkLoadComputer with existent Id.
LinkLoadComputerIdException Thrown when the trying to set a id that has already been set.
TrafficMatrixAlreadyExistException Thrown when a method tries to add a traffic matrix with the same TM ID as an already existing one for the target domain.
TrafficMatrixException Base class for the exceptions of the traffic matrix package.
TrafficMatrixIdException Thrown when the trying to set a TmId that has already been set.

Package Description

This package holds exceptions for the trafficMatrix package.

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