
This package holds the model for the trafficMatrix package.


Interface Summary
LinkLoadComputer The classes that implements LinkLoadComputer calculates the links load and utilization of a given domain thanks to a LinkLoadStrategy and a traffic matrix.
LinkLoadComputerListener Define the events that a listener will receive.
LinkLoadStrategy Define the behavior of a link load computation stategy.
TmLoadComputer Compute the link load of the specified traffic matrix on the specified domain.
TrafficMatrix This class represents a traffic matrix.
TrafficMatrix.TrafficMatrixElem Represents an element of the traffic matrix.
TrafficMatrixChangeListener Define the events that a listener will receive.
TrafficMatrixChangeObserver This class is used to notify all listeners of changes in the traffic matrix data.

Class Summary
ListOfTrafficMatrices Creation date: 20 avr.

Package Description

This package holds the model for the trafficMatrix package. Use these classes instead of the JAXB generated classes and the implementation classes.

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