
This package holds classes that implement various probability distributions.


Interface Summary
Distribution This is the interface for the random distributions.

Class Summary
BimodalDistribution This class implements a Bimodal distribution by means of a mixture of two Normal distributions.
ConstantDistribution This class implements a constant distribution.
InverseNormalDistribution This class implements an inverse normal distribution.
LogisticDistribution This class implements a logistic distribution.
LogLogisticDistribution This class implements a loglogistic distribution.
LogNormalDistribution This class implements a lognormal distribution.
NormalDistribution This class implements a Normal distribution.
PoissonDistribution This class implements a Poisson distribution using an acceptance-rejection technique if the mean is lower than THRESHOLD.
UniformFloatDistribution This class implements a uniform float distribution.
UniformIntDistribution This class implements a uniform integer distribution.

Package Description

This package holds classes that implement various probability distributions.

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