
This package holds util classes used by other packages.


Interface Summary
PriorityQueueIF Interface that describes the operations on a priority queue.
PriorityQueueIFInt Interface that describes the operations on a priority queue.
PriorityQueueObject Interface that describes the required methods of the elem in a priority queue
PriorityQueueObjectInt Priority queue object (with integers)

Class Summary
DataValidationTools Collection of static methods to validate data strings.
DomainFileConvertor Converts domains from various schema version
DoubleArrayAnalyse Provide some statistics on an array
FileFunctions Some functions that manipulate files.
FloatArrayAnalyse Provide some statistics on an array
FloatingPointArithmetic Manipulate floating-point (float) numbers.
IdGenerator IdGenerator is a singleton used to generate unique id.
Pair<O1,O2> Simple class that handle pairs of objects.
ParameterDescriptor Use to represent a parameter constituted of a name, description, type, a set of possible values (optional) and a default value.
PriorityQueue Priority queue with integers
RTSI This utility class is looking for all the classes implementing or inheriting from a given interface or class.
TrafficMatrixFileConvertor This class contains several methods to convert traffic matrix files from one version of the schema to another.
XMLFilesValidator This class is a generic XML files validator.

Exception Summary
NotYetImplementedException Throwed when a function is not yet implemented

Package Description

This package holds util classes used by other packages.

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