
Class Summary
ChangeLinkCapacityWIAction When executed, this action change the capacity of a link and possibly of the reverse link if desired.
ChangeLinkCapacityWIActionPanel Panel to choose a link to modify its capcity.
ChangeTrafficWIAction Change the default traffic matrix for the given domain.
ChangeTrafficWIActionPanel Panel to choose a new default traffic matrix to be routed.
LinkDownWIAction Action that sets a link down.
LinkDownWIActionPanel Panel to select a link to set down.
LinkUpWIAction Action that sets a link up.
LinkUpWIActionPanel Panel to select a link to set up.
NodeDownWIAction Action to set a node down.
NodeDownWIActionPanel Panel to select a node to set down.
NodeUpWIAction Action to set a node up.
NodeUpWIActionPanel Panel to select a node to set up.

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