
This package holds exceptions for the domain package.


Exception Summary
BadLspTypeException Throw when the type of a lsp is not the expected one (ex: not a backup)
DiffServConfigurationException Signal a error in the DiffServ configuration
DomainAlreadyExistException Thrown if you try to add a domain with the same AS ID than an existing one.
DomainChangeObserverException This exception is thrown when an error occurs in the DomainChangeObserver class.
IdException Exception in the id of a DomainElement (id collision, ...).
InvalidDomainException Exception if the domain asked is invalid
InvalidPathException Thrown when trying to create a path that is invalid (for example, not continuous).
IPAddressFormatException Thrown when the format of an IP address is invalid.
LinkAlreadyExistException Throw when we try to add an Link already present
LinkCapacityExceededException Exception thrown when the capacity of a link is exceeded (by addReservation)
LinkNotFoundException Thrown when a link is not found.
LspAlreadyExistException Throw when we try to add an Lsp already present
LspNotFoundException Throw when a Lsp is not found
NodeAlreadyExistException Throw when we try to add a Node that already exists
NodeInterfaceAlreadyExistException Thrown when trying to add an interface that already exists in the domain.
NodeInterfaceNotFoundException This exception is thrown when a node interface is not found.
NodeNotFoundException Throw when a Node is not found
NodeTypeException Thrown when the type of a node is unknown.
NotInitialisedException This exception is thrown when a field is necessary or when the value of an optional field is requested, and that the field is not initialised.
RouterAlreadyExistException Throw when we try to add a Router that already exists
SimplifiedDomainException Exception in a SimplifiedDomain
StatusTypeException The Status type is invalide

Package Description

This package holds exceptions for the domain package.

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