
Interface Summary
ColorLegend A ColorLegend is a set of colors associated with names.
LinkColorShower The objects that implements LinkColorShower associate a float value to a specific link a the domain.
NodeColorShower The objects that implements NodeColorShower associate a float value to a specific node of a domain.
WidthCalculator Classes that implement this interface calculate the width of a link given the link bandwidth.

Class Summary
ColorSquare This class implements a icon that display a simple colored square
CoordMapper Map coordinates from one rectangle to another, by keeping aspect ratio or not.
DefaultLinkLoadLegend Legend representing a percentage of load in 12 colors.
DirectedSparseGraph An implementation of Graph that consists of a Vertex set and a DirectedEdge set.
DomainGraph Graph used by MyVisualizationViewer class.
GraphAspectFunctions A collection of classes that manage the graph aspect.
GraphAspectFunctions.EdgeAspectFunction This inner class handles the aspect of the edges
GraphAspectFunctions.VertexAspectFunction This inner class manage all properties of the vertices representation (shapes, colors, size, ...)
GraphManager Take place of the panel representing the network.
LegendEditor This class is used to change the colors of the legend associated with the class GraphAspectFunctions.
LinkLabeller A small class that allows to draw a label below a link.
LoadColorShower Shows the load of the links computed via the LinkLoadComputer given in the connstructor.
ModifiedPluggableRenderer Pluggable renderer with a red arrow.
MyPickingGraphMousePlugin This class extends the PickingGraphMousePlugin.
MyPluggableRenderer A very simple modification of Pluggable renderer to allow arrows to be painted in different colors
MyVisualizationViewer Extension of the VisualizationViewer that shows the graph representation of a domain.
MyWidthCalculator Calculate the width of a link given its bandwidth.
NodeLabeller Simple class that display the id of the node as label.
ReservedBandwidthColorShower Shows the reserved bandwidth of the links for a given class type It supposes that link use a Diffserv model with MaxBC=MaxCT (MAM model and Russian dolls are in this category).
TotalReservedBandwidthColorShower Show the total proportion of reserved bandwidth among all Class types over the maximum reserved bandwidth of the link.
UpDownLinkColorShower Show the link status.
UpDownLinkLegend Legend for representing link status (up, down).
UpDownNodeColorShower Show the node status.
UpDownNodeLegend Legend for representing node status (up, down).

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