Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidPathException This package holds the model for the domain package. This package holds classes which are the implementation of the model for the domain package. This package holds classes that represent a simplified view of a Domain object. 
test This package holds JUnit test classes. 

Uses of InvalidPathException in

Methods in that throw InvalidPathException
 void Path.createPathFromLink(java.util.List<Link> path)
          Create a Path from a list of Link
 void Path.createPathFromNode(java.util.List<Node> path)
          Create a Path from a list of Node
 Path Lsp.getWorkingPath()
          The working path is the current path used for routing on this LSP.
 Path Lsp.getWorkingPath(boolean nocheck)
          If nocheck is true, the path is returned even if there are still failed links and thus the LSP cannot be used for routing packets.
 void Lsp.init(Domain domain)

Uses of InvalidPathException in

Methods in that throw InvalidPathException
 void PathImpl.createPathFromLink(java.util.List<Link> path)
          Create a Path from a list of Link
 void PathImpl.createPathFromNode(java.util.List<Node> path)
          Create a Path from a list of Node
 Path LspImpl.getWorkingPath()
          Returns a path for the LSP that is routable, i.e.
 Path LspImpl.getWorkingPath(boolean nocheck)
          If nocheck is true, returns the current working path even if some links are down.
 void LspImpl.init(Domain domain)
          Initialise the LSP : set a reference to the domain and create the LSP path.

Uses of InvalidPathException in

Methods in that throw InvalidPathException
 Path SimplifiedPath.convert(Domain domain)

Uses of InvalidPathException in test

Methods in test that throw InvalidPathException
 void PreemptTest.test2PreemptNoBwSharing()
 void DiffServTest.testAddPriorityLevelDF()
 void ListenersTest.testaddremoveLSP()
          check the number of listeners in the domain, start algorithms, add a explicit route lsp in the domain, route a second lsp and check that the right route is taken (that the first lsp is added in the algorithm specific database)
 void DomaintTest.testAddRemoveLsp()
          Add and remove a LSP from a domain
 void HybridStrategiesTest.testBasicIGPShortcut()
 void CSPFTest.testComputeSPFSource()
 void RoutingPathTest.testE2ERoutingPath()
 void HybridStrategiesTest.testIGPShortcut()
 void RoutingPathTest.testLocalBackupRoutingPath()
 void MIRATest.testNEWMIRA()
 void BhandariTest.testNonConsecutiveId()
 void XAMCRATest.testNonConsecutiveIds()
 void PreemptTest.testNotDefinedPL()
 void PreemptTest.testPreemptImpos()
          Try to add a lsp on a path with insufficent free bandwidth and check reservations on lsp links.
 void PreemptTest.testPreemptNoBwSharing()
 void RoutingPathTest.testPrimaryRoutingPath()
 void DiffServTest.testRbwBCMethodsDF()
 void DiffServTest.testRemovePriorityLevelDF()
 void XAMCRATest.testRouteBw()
          Test with only bw constraint
 void XAMCRATest.testRouteBwDelay()
          Test with bw and delay constraint (path 0-3-2 does not satisfy constraints anymore)
 void MIRATest.testSMIRA()
 void PreemptTest.testUselessPreemption()

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