Uses of Class

Packages that use LinkCapacityExceededException
at.ftw.repository.reopt This package holds classes useful for the diffserv capabilities of the toolbox. This package holds the model for the domain package. This package holds classes which are the implementation of the model for the domain package. 
test This package holds JUnit test classes. 

Uses of LinkCapacityExceededException in at.ftw.repository.reopt

Methods in at.ftw.repository.reopt that throw LinkCapacityExceededException
 void LSPGeneration.generateLSP(int ASID, int nbParallelPath)
          Generate a fullmesh of nbParallelPath disjoint LSPs between each nodes of the domain ASID.

Uses of LinkCapacityExceededException in

Methods in that throw LinkCapacityExceededException
 float[] MAM.addReservation(Domain domain, int priority, float bw, float[] bc, float[] rbwArray, float mrbw)
          Adds a reservation at a given priority to the rbw array.
 float[] DiffServModel.addReservation(Domain domain, int priority, float bw, float[] bc, float[] rbwArray, float mrbw)
          Adds a reservation at a given priority to the rbw array.
 float[] MAM.removeReservation(Domain domain, int priority, float bw, float[] bc, float[] rbwArray, float mrbw)
          Removes a reservation at a given priority to the rbw array.
 float[] DiffServModel.removeReservation(Domain domain, int priority, float bw, float[] bc, float[] rbwArray, float mrbw)
          Removes a reservation at a given priority to the rbw array.

Uses of LinkCapacityExceededException in

Methods in that throw LinkCapacityExceededException
 void Domain.addLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Add a Lsp in the domain without using implicit preemption
 void BandwidthManagement.addLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Add lsp reservation.
 void Domain.addLsp(Lsp lsp, boolean preemption)
          Add a Lsp in the domain
 void BandwidthManagement.addLspTemp(Lsp lsp)
          Adds a lsp temporarily.
 void Link.addReservation(float bw)
 void Link.addReservation(float bw, int priority)
 java.util.List<Lsp> BandwidthManagement.getPreemptList(Lsp lsp)
          Returns the list of lsps to be preempted when a lsp is to be added to the domain.
 void BandwidthManagement.init()
          Initialise the Bandwidth Management object with the lsps already present in the domain.
 void BandwidthManagement.recomputeRbw(Link link)
          Recompute the reservable bandwidth (rbw array) of the link link.
Warning: all rbw values should be set to 0 before calling this method.
 void BandwidthManagement.removeLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes lsp reservation.
 void BandwidthManagement.removeLspTemp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes a lsp temporarily.
 void Link.removeReservation(float bw)
 void Link.removeReservation(float bw, int priority)
 void Link.setBandwidth(float bw)
 void Link.setBC(int ct, float value)
          Set the BC to the given value.
 void Lsp.setReservation(float bw)

Uses of LinkCapacityExceededException in

Methods in that throw LinkCapacityExceededException
 void DiffServBandwidthManagement.addLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Add lsp reservation.
 void DomainImpl.addLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Add a Lsp in the domain
 void BandwidthSharingBandwidthManagement.addLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Add lsp reservation.
 void DomainImpl.addLsp(Lsp lsp, boolean preemption)
          Add a Lsp in the domain
 void DiffServBandwidthManagement.addLspTemp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes a lsp temporarily.
 void BandwidthSharingBandwidthManagement.addLspTemp(Lsp lsp)
          Adds a lsp temporarily.
 void LinkImpl.addReservation(float bw)
          Adds a reservation on the link As no priority is specified, this reservation is added to lowest prioritary class type and preemption level
 void LinkImpl.addReservation(float bw, int priority)
          Adds a reservation on the link for a given priority (constraints are checked)
 java.util.List<Lsp> DiffServBandwidthManagement.getPreemptList(Lsp lsp)
          Returns the list of lsps to be preempted when a lsp is to be added to the domain.
 void DiffServBandwidthManagement.init()
          Initialise the Bandwidth Management object with the lsps already present in the domain.
 void BandwidthSharingBandwidthManagement.init()
          Initialise the Bandwidth Management object with the lsps already present in the domain.
 void DiffServBandwidthManagement.recomputeRbw(Link link)
          Recompute the reservable bandwidth (rbw array) of the link link by using the lsps established in the domain.
Warning: all rbw values should be set to 0 before calling this method.
 void BandwidthSharingBandwidthManagement.recomputeRbw(Link link)
          Recompute the reservable bandwidth (rbw array) of the link link.
Warning: all rbw values should be set to 0 before calling this method.
 void DiffServBandwidthManagement.removeLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes lsp reservation.
 void BandwidthSharingBandwidthManagement.removeLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes lsp reservation.
 void DiffServBandwidthManagement.removeLspTemp(Lsp lsp)
          !!! if the exception is thrown, tempData will be left in an inconsistent state
 void BandwidthSharingBandwidthManagement.removeLspTemp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes a lsp temporarily.
 void LinkImpl.removeReservation(float bw)
          Removes a reservation from the default priority, and update reservable bandwidths accordingly
 void LinkImpl.removeReservation(float bw, int priority)
          Removes a reservation from the priority specified, and update reservable bandwidths accordingly
 void LinkImpl.setBandwidth(float bw)
          Set the maximum reservable bandwidth of the link
 void LinkImpl.setBC(int ct, float value)
          Set the BC to the given value.
 void LspImpl.setReservation(float bw)

Uses of LinkCapacityExceededException in test

Methods in test that throw LinkCapacityExceededException
 void PreemptTest.test2PreemptNoBwSharing()
 void DomaintTest.testAddLsp()
          Add a LSP in a domain with existings LSPs
 void DomaintTest.testAddLsp2()
          Add a LSP in a domain without MPLS section
 void DiffServTest.testAddPriorityLevelDF()
 void ListenersTest.testaddremoveLSP()
          check the number of listeners in the domain, start algorithms, add a explicit route lsp in the domain, route a second lsp and check that the right route is taken (that the first lsp is added in the algorithm specific database)
 void DomaintTest.testAddRemoveLsp()
          Add and remove a LSP from a domain
 void BWSharingTest.testBackupBackup()
 void HybridStrategiesTest.testBasicIGPShortcut()
 void DiffServTest.testDiffServ()
 void RoutingPathTest.testE2ERoutingPath()
 void HybridStrategiesTest.testIGPShortcut()
 void RoutingPathTest.testLocalBackupRoutingPath()
 void XAMCRATest.testMetricConstraint()
          Test with Metric and TEMetric Constraints.
 void MIRATest.testNEWMIRA()
 void PreemptTest.testNotDefinedPL()
 void PreemptTest.testPreemptNoBwSharing()
 void RoutingPathTest.testPrimaryRoutingPath()
 void DiffServTest.testRbwBCMethodsDF()
 void DiffServTest.testRemovePriorityLevelDF()
 void MIRATest.testSMIRA()
 void PreemptTest.testUselessPreemption()

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