Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeAlreadyExistException This package holds the model for the domain package. This package holds classes which are the implementation of the model for the domain package. This package holds util classes for Topgen. 
test This package holds JUnit test classes. 

Uses of NodeAlreadyExistException in

Methods in that throw NodeAlreadyExistException
 void Domain.addNode(Node node)
          Add a node to the domain
 void DomainConvertor.addNodeId(java.lang.String nodeId)
          Add a conversion for the nodeId node
 void Domain.renameNode(java.lang.String oldId, java.lang.String newId)
          Rename a node of the domain.
 void DomainConvertor.renameNodeId(java.lang.String oldId, java.lang.String newId)
          Rename a Node without changing its int id

Uses of NodeAlreadyExistException in

Methods in that throw NodeAlreadyExistException
 void DomainImpl.addNode(Node node)
          Add a node to the domain
 void DomainConvertorImpl.addNodeId(java.lang.String nodeId)
          Add a conversion for the nodeId node
 void DomainImpl.renameNode(java.lang.String oldId, java.lang.String newId)
 void DomainConvertorImpl.renameNodeId(java.lang.String oldId, java.lang.String newId)

Uses of NodeAlreadyExistException in

Methods in that throw NodeAlreadyExistException
static void Test.main(java.lang.String[] args)

Uses of NodeAlreadyExistException in

Methods in that throw NodeAlreadyExistException
static Domain Converter.briteTopologyToDomain(Topology.Topology topology, boolean linksDirected, int metric)
          This method parses a Topology object that is in BRITE format and returns a Domain object that contains the same information.

Uses of NodeAlreadyExistException in test

Methods in test that throw NodeAlreadyExistException
 void DomaintTest.testAddLink2()
          Create a new domain and add two links.
 void ListenersTest.testaddremoveLSP()
          check the number of listeners in the domain, start algorithms, add a explicit route lsp in the domain, route a second lsp and check that the right route is taken (that the first lsp is added in the algorithm specific database)
 void HybridStrategiesTest.testBasicIGPShortcut()
 void BandwidthUnitTest.testDomainCreation()
 void HybridStrategiesTest.testIGPShortcut()
 void DomaintTest.testInOutLinks()
 void XAMCRATest.testMetricConstraint()
          Test with Metric and TEMetric Constraints.
 void MIRATest.testNEWMIRA()
 void XAMCRATest.testNonConsecutiveIds()
 void XAMCRATest.testRouteBw()
          Test with only bw constraint
 void XAMCRATest.testRouteBwDelay()
          Test with bw and delay constraint (path 0-3-2 does not satisfy constraints anymore)
 void DomainFactoryTest.testSave2()
 void MIRATest.testSMIRA()

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