Uses of Class

Packages that use LocalDatabaseException This package holds DAMOTE-related classes. This package holds the model for the repository package.   
test This package holds JUnit test classes. 

Uses of LocalDatabaseException in

Methods in that throw LocalDatabaseException
 TotemActionList DAMOTE.routeDetour(Domain dom, LSPDetourRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a global detour or local detours for a primary LSP
 TotemActionList DAMOTE.routeLSP(Domain dom, LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a path with DAMOTE for one demand from a source node to a destination node with a bandwidth requirement
 TotemActionList DAMOTE.routeNLSP(Domain dom, java.util.List<LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter> param)
          Computes paths with DAMOTE for a list of demands.

Uses of LocalDatabaseException in

Methods in that throw LocalDatabaseException
 TotemActionList LSPBackupRouting.routeDetour(Domain domain, LSPDetourRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a detour backup for a LSP
 TotemActionList LSPPrimaryRouting.routeLSP(Domain domain, LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a path for a LSP
 TotemActionList LSPPrimaryRouting.routeNLSP(Domain domain, java.util.List<LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter> param)
          Computes paths for a list of LSPs specified by a list of LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter

Uses of LocalDatabaseException in

Methods in that throw LocalDatabaseException
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> RoutingGUIModule.addDetourLsp(java.lang.String lspId, java.lang.String protectedLspId, java.lang.String methodType, java.lang.String protectionType, LSPBackupRouting routing, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> params)

Uses of LocalDatabaseException in it.unina.repository.MIRA

Methods in it.unina.repository.MIRA that throw LocalDatabaseException
 TotemActionList MIRA.routeLSP(Domain dom, LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a path with MIRA for one demand from a source node to a destination node with a bandwidth requirement
 TotemActionList MIRA.routeNLSP(Domain dom, java.util.List<LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter> param)
          Computes paths with MIRA for a list of demands.

Uses of LocalDatabaseException in nl.tudelft.repository.XAMCRA

Methods in nl.tudelft.repository.XAMCRA that throw LocalDatabaseException
 TotemActionList XAMCRA.routeLSP(Domain dom, LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a path with XAMCRA for one demand from a source node to a destination node with a bandwidth requirement
 TotemActionList XAMCRA.routeNLSP(Domain dom, java.util.List<LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter> param)
          Computes paths with XAMCRA for a list of demands.

Uses of LocalDatabaseException in test

Methods in test that throw LocalDatabaseException
 void DAMOTETest.test2()
 void DAMOTETest.test3()
 void ListenersTest.testaddremoveLSP()
          check the number of listeners in the domain, start algorithms, add a explicit route lsp in the domain, route a second lsp and check that the right route is taken (that the first lsp is added in the algorithm specific database)
 void XAMCRATest.testMetricConstraint()
          Test with Metric and TEMetric Constraints.
 void MIRATest.testNEWMIRA()
 void XAMCRATest.testNonConsecutiveIds()
 void XAMCRATest.testRouteBw()
          Test with only bw constraint
 void XAMCRATest.testRouteBwDelay()
          Test with bw and delay constraint (path 0-3-2 does not satisfy constraints anymore)
 void MIRATest.testSMIRA()

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