
This package holds the implementation of the model for the trafficMatrix package.


Class Summary
BasicIGPShortcutStrategy Implement the basic IGP shortcut link load computation strategy.
IGPShortcutStrategy Implement the IGP shortcut link load computation strategy (IETF RFC-3906).
LinkLoadComputerImpl Calculates the links load and utilization of a given domain thanks to a TmLoadComputer and a traffic matrix.
LinkLoadStrategyAdapter This adapter can be used by link load strategy implementations to avoid property methods redefinition.
OverlayStrategy Implement the overlay strategy.
SPFLinkLoadStrategy This class implements a link load computation using the SPF algorithms.
TrafficMatrixChangeObserverImpl This class is used to notify all listeners of changes in the traffic matrix data.
TrafficMatrixImpl Implementation of the TrafficMatrix interface.

Package Description

This package holds the implementation of the model for the trafficMatrix package. These classes should not be used directly. Use the model package instead.

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