Uses of Interface

Packages that use Lsp This package holds the model for the domain package. This package holds classes which are the implementation of the model for the domain package. This package holds DAMOTE-related classes. This package holds the model for the repository package. This package holds the implementation of the model for the trafficMatrix package.   

Uses of Lsp in

Methods in with parameters of type Lsp
 void CBGPChangeListener.addLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a add LSP event
 void CBGPChangeListener.lspReservationChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a LSP reservation change event
 void CBGPChangeListener.removeLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a remove LSP event
 void CBGPChangeListener.rerouteLspEvent(Lsp lsp)

Uses of Lsp in

Methods in that return Lsp
 Lsp Domain.getLsp(java.lang.String id)
          Return the Lsp with the specified id
 Lsp Lsp.getProtectedLsp()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Lsp
 java.util.List<Lsp> Lsp.getActivatedBackups()
 java.util.List<Lsp> Domain.getAllLsps()
          Get a list of all LSPs
 java.util.List<Lsp> Domain.getAllPrimaryLsps()
          Get a list of all primary LSPs
 java.util.Set<Lsp> Lsp.getBackups()
          returns a set of the backups lsps
 java.util.List<Lsp> Domain.getBackupsOfPrimary(Lsp primaryLsp)
          Deprecated. use getBackups()
 java.util.List<Lsp> Domain.getLsps(Node ingress, Node egress)
          Get the list of LSPs between ingress node and egress node
 java.util.List<Lsp> Domain.getLspsOnLink(Link link)
          Get all the LSPs that use the link
 java.util.List<Lsp> Domain.getLspStartingAtIngress(Node ingress)
          Get all the LSPs that begins at the specified ingress node
 java.util.List<Lsp> BandwidthManagement.getPreemptList(Lsp lsp)
          Returns the list of lsps to be preempted when a lsp is to be added to the domain.
 java.util.List<Lsp> Domain.getPrimaryLsps(Node ingress, Node egress)
          Get the list of primary LSPs between ingress node and egress node

Methods in with parameters of type Lsp
 void Lsp.activateBackup(Lsp backupLsp)
 void Lsp.addBackupLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Add a lsp in the list of backup lsps of this primary lsp.
 void Domain.addLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Add a Lsp in the domain without using implicit preemption
 void BandwidthManagement.addLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Add lsp reservation.
 void Domain.addLsp(Lsp lsp, boolean preemption)
          Add a Lsp in the domain
 void SwitchingMethod.addLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void DomainChangeListener.addLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a add LSP event
 void DomainChangeAdapter.addLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a add LSP event
 void BandwidthManagement.addLspTemp(Lsp lsp)
          Adds a lsp temporarily.
 void Lsp.deactivateBackup(Lsp backupLsp)
 java.util.List<Lsp> Domain.getBackupsOfPrimary(Lsp primaryLsp)
          Deprecated. use getBackups()
 float DomainStatistics.getPathcost(Lsp lsp)
          Returns the pathcost of the lsp given as argument.
 java.util.List<Lsp> BandwidthManagement.getPreemptList(Lsp lsp)
          Returns the list of lsps to be preempted when a lsp is to be added to the domain.
 void SwitchingMethod.lspReservationChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void DomainChangeListener.lspReservationChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a LSP reservation change event
 void DomainChangeAdapter.lspReservationChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a LSP reservation change event
 void SwitchingMethod.lspWorkingPathChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void DomainChangeListener.lspWorkingPathChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a change in the working path of the lsp.
 void DomainChangeAdapter.lspWorkingPathChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a change in the working path of the lsp
 void DomainChangeObserver.notifyAddLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Notify LSP add
 void DomainChangeObserver.notifyLspReservationChange(Lsp lsp)
          Notify LSP reservation change
 void DomainChangeObserver.notifyLspWorkingPathChange(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a change in the working path of the lsp
 void DomainChangeObserver.notifyRemoveLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Notify LSP remove
 void DomainChangeObserver.notifyRerouteLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Notify the fact that a LSP must be rerouted.
 void Lsp.removeBackupLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes a LSP for the list of backups
 void Domain.removeLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Remove a Lsp
 void BandwidthManagement.removeLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes lsp reservation.
 void Domain.removeLsp(Lsp lsp, boolean isReroute)
          Remove a Lsp
 void SwitchingMethod.removeLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void DomainChangeListener.removeLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a remove LSP event
 void DomainChangeAdapter.removeLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a remove LSP event
 void BandwidthManagement.removeLspTemp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes a lsp temporarily.
 void SwitchingMethod.rerouteLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void DomainChangeListener.rerouteLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify the fact that a LSP must be rerouted.
 void DomainChangeAdapter.rerouteLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a LSP rerouting event

Uses of Lsp in

Methods in that return Lsp
 Lsp DomainImpl.getLsp(java.lang.String id)
          Return the Lsp with the specified id
 Lsp LspImpl.getProtectedLsp()
          If the LSP is a backup LSP and protect a particular LSP, this method return this protected LSP and null otherwise.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Lsp
 java.util.List<Lsp> LspImpl.getActivatedBackups()
          Returns a list of activated backup sorted by ingress
 java.util.List<Lsp> DomainImpl.getAllLsps()
          Get a list of all LSPs
 java.util.List<Lsp> DomainImpl.getAllPrimaryLsps()
          Get a list of all primary LSPs
 java.util.Set<Lsp> LspImpl.getBackups()
          returns a set of the backups lsps
 java.util.List<Lsp> DomainImpl.getBackupsOfPrimary(Lsp primaryLsp)
          Deprecated. use getBackups()
 java.util.List<Lsp> DomainImpl.getLsps(Node ingress, Node egress)
          Get the list of LSPs between ingress node and egress node
 java.util.List<Lsp> DomainImpl.getLspsOnLink(Link link)
          Get all the LSPs that use the link
 java.util.List<Lsp> DomainImpl.getLspStartingAtIngress(Node ingress)
          Get all the LSPs that begins at the specified ingress node
 java.util.List<Lsp> DiffServBandwidthManagement.getPreemptList(Lsp lsp)
          Returns the list of lsps to be preempted when a lsp is to be added to the domain.
 java.util.List<Lsp> BandwidthSharingBandwidthManagement.getPreemptList(Lsp lsp)
          Returns an empty list.
 java.util.List<Lsp> DomainImpl.getPrimaryLsps(Node ingress, Node egress)

Methods in with parameters of type Lsp
 void LspImpl.activateBackup(Lsp backupLsp)
 void LspImpl.addBackupLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Add a lsp in the list of backup lsps of this primary lsp.
 void DiffServBandwidthManagement.addLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Add lsp reservation.
 void DomainImpl.addLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Add a Lsp in the domain
 void BandwidthSharingBandwidthManagement.addLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Add lsp reservation.
 void DomainImpl.addLsp(Lsp lsp, boolean preemption)
          Add a Lsp in the domain
 void DiffServBandwidthManagement.addLspTemp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes a lsp temporarily.
 void BandwidthSharingBandwidthManagement.addLspTemp(Lsp lsp)
          Adds a lsp temporarily.
 void LspImpl.deactivateBackup(Lsp backupLsp)
 java.util.List<Lsp> DomainImpl.getBackupsOfPrimary(Lsp primaryLsp)
          Deprecated. use getBackups()
 float DomainStatisticsImpl.getPathcost(Lsp lsp)
          Returns the pathcost of the lsp given as argument.
 java.util.List<Lsp> DiffServBandwidthManagement.getPreemptList(Lsp lsp)
          Returns the list of lsps to be preempted when a lsp is to be added to the domain.
 java.util.List<Lsp> BandwidthSharingBandwidthManagement.getPreemptList(Lsp lsp)
          Returns an empty list.
 void DomainChangeObserverImpl.notifyAddLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Notify LSP add
 void DomainChangeObserverImpl.notifyLspReservationChange(Lsp lsp)
          Notify LSP reservation change
 void DomainChangeObserverImpl.notifyLspWorkingPathChange(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a change in the working path
 void DomainChangeObserverImpl.notifyRemoveLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Notify LSP remove
 void DomainChangeObserverImpl.notifyRerouteLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Notify the fact that a LSP must be rerouted.
 void LspImpl.removeBackupLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes a LSP for the list of backups
 void DiffServBandwidthManagement.removeLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes lsp reservation.
 void DomainImpl.removeLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Remove a Lsp
 void BandwidthSharingBandwidthManagement.removeLsp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes lsp reservation.
 void DomainImpl.removeLsp(Lsp lsp, boolean isReroute)
 void DiffServBandwidthManagement.removeLspTemp(Lsp lsp)
          !!! if the exception is thrown, tempData will be left in an inconsistent state
 void BandwidthSharingBandwidthManagement.removeLspTemp(Lsp lsp)
          Removes a lsp temporarily.

Uses of Lsp in

Methods in with parameters of type Lsp
 void DAMOTE.addLSP(Lsp lsp)
          Adds an LSP to DAMOTE database
 void DAMOTEChangeListener.addLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void DAMOTEChangeListener.lspReservationChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void DAMOTEChangeListener.lspWorkingPathChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
          Notify a change in the working path of the lsp
 void DAMOTEChangeListener.removeLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void DAMOTEChangeListener.rerouteLspEvent(Lsp lsp)

Uses of Lsp in

Fields in declared as Lsp
protected  Lsp AddLspAction.lsp

Methods in that return Lsp
 Lsp SetLspReservationAction.getLsp()
          Returns the LSP whose you want to set the reservation.
 Lsp AddLspAction.getLsp()
          Gets the LSP

Constructors in with parameters of type Lsp
AddLspAction(Domain domain, Lsp lsp)
          Creates an AddLspAction
SetLspReservationAction(Lsp lsp, float reservation)
          Creates a new SetLspReservationAction action.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Lsp
TriggerRerouteLspsAction(Domain domain, java.util.List<Lsp> lsps)

Uses of Lsp in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Lsp
 java.util.List<Lsp> SAMTE.execute(int nbLsp, int nbSimulation, SAParameter params)

Uses of Lsp in

Methods in with parameters of type Lsp
 void LinkLoadComputerImpl.addLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void LinkLoadComputerImpl.lspReservationChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void LinkLoadComputerImpl.lspWorkingPathChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void LinkLoadComputerImpl.removeLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void LinkLoadComputerImpl.rerouteLspEvent(Lsp lsp)

Uses of Lsp in

Methods in with parameters of type Lsp
 void MyVisualizationViewer.addLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void GraphManager.highlight(Lsp lsp)
 void MyVisualizationViewer.highlight(Lsp lsp)
          highlight all edge contained in the Lsp given as parameter
 void MyVisualizationViewer.lspReservationChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void MyVisualizationViewer.lspWorkingPathChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void MyVisualizationViewer.removeLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void MyVisualizationViewer.rerouteLspEvent(Lsp lsp)

Uses of Lsp in

Methods in that return Lsp
 Lsp LspDomainTable.getLspAt(int row)

Methods in with parameters of type Lsp
 void DomainTableModel.addLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void DomainTableModel.lspReservationChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void DomainTableModel.lspWorkingPathChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void DomainTableModel.removeLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void DomainTableModel.rerouteLspEvent(Lsp lsp)

Uses of Lsp in it.unina.repository.MIRA

Methods in it.unina.repository.MIRA with parameters of type Lsp
 void MIRA.addLSP(Lsp lsp)
          Adds an LSP to MIRA database
 void MIRAChangeListener.addLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void MIRAChangeListener.lspReservationChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void MIRAChangeListener.lspWorkingPathChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void MIRAChangeListener.removeLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void MIRAChangeListener.rerouteLspEvent(Lsp lsp)

Uses of Lsp in nl.tudelft.repository.XAMCRA

Methods in nl.tudelft.repository.XAMCRA with parameters of type Lsp
 void XAMCRA.addLSP(Lsp lsp)
          Adds an LSP to XAMCRA database
 void XAMCRAChangeListener.addLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void XAMCRAChangeListener.lspReservationChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void XAMCRAChangeListener.lspWorkingPathChangeEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void XAMCRAChangeListener.removeLspEvent(Lsp lsp)
 void XAMCRAChangeListener.rerouteLspEvent(Lsp lsp)

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