Uses of Class

Packages that use RoutingException
at.ftw.repository.reopt This package holds the model for the domain package. This package holds classes which are the implementation of the model for the domain package. This package holds CSPF-related classes (various implementations of the CSPF algorithm is available). This package holds DAMOTE-related classes. This package holds the model for the repository package. This package holds an implementation of the multi-commodity flow algorithm. This package holds an implementation of the algorithm described in "Dividing the Traffic Matrix to approach optimal Traffic Engineering" by S. This package holds traffic generation-related classes. This package holds util classes for Topgen. This package holds the manager for the trafficMatrix package. This package holds the model for the trafficMatrix package. This package holds the implementation of the model for the trafficMatrix package.   
test This package holds JUnit test classes. 

Uses of RoutingException in at.ftw.repository.reopt

Methods in at.ftw.repository.reopt that throw RoutingException
 void LSPGeneration.generateLSP(int ASID, int nbParallelPath)
          Generate a fullmesh of nbParallelPath disjoint LSPs between each nodes of the domain ASID.

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 void CBGP.bgpDomainRescan(Domain domain)
          Used to rescan the routes after IGP changes
 java.util.Vector<> CBGP.bgpRouterGetAdjRib(java.lang.String sRouterAddr, java.lang.String sPeerAddr, java.lang.String sPrefix, boolean bIn)
          Returns a vector with the BGP routes in the Adj-RIB(s) of this router.
 java.util.Vector<> CBGP.bgpRouterGetPeers(java.lang.String sRouterAddr)
          Returns a vector with the neighbors of this router.
 java.util.Vector CBGP.bgpRouterGetRib(java.lang.String sRouterAddr, java.lang.String sPrefix)
          Returns a vector with the BGP routes in the RIB of this node.
 void CBGP.bgpRouterLoadRib(java.lang.String sRouterAddr, java.lang.String sFileName)
          Load the RIB contained in the given filename into the given router's RIB.
 void CBGP.bgpRouterPeerRecv(java.lang.String sRouterAddr, java.lang.String sPeerAddr, java.lang.String sMsg)
          Send a BGP message in MRT format to the given router, through the given peer.
 void CBGP.bgpRouterPeerUp(java.lang.String sRouterAddr, java.lang.String sPeerAddr, boolean bUp)
          Change the status of the BGP session between a router and one of its neighbors.
 void CBGP.computeIGP(Domain domain)
          For each domain, for each node, compute the intradomain routes.
 void CBGP.netLinkWeight(java.lang.String sSrcAddr, java.lang.String sDstAddr, int iWeight)
          Change the metric of a link
 java.util.Vector CBGP.netNodeGetLinks(java.lang.String sNodeAddr)
          Returns a vector with the links adjacent to this node.
 java.util.Vector CBGP.netNodeGetRT(java.lang.String sNodeAddr, java.lang.String sPrefix)
          Returns a vector with the routes currently in the routing table of this node. CBGP.netNodeRecordRoute(java.lang.String sNodeAddr, java.lang.String sDstAddr)
          Returns an IPTrace object that contains the record-route status, the list of IP address hops, the total delay and the total IGP weight.
 void CBGP.runCmd(java.lang.String sCommand)
          Send a "raw" command to the C-BGP instance.
 void CBGP.simRun()
          Run the C-BGP simulator.
 void CBGP.updateLinksWeights(Domain domain)
          Update Weights in CBGP with TE weights values TODO: solve the problem with asymmetric links

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 java.util.Vector CBGPSimulator.bgpRouterGetAdjRib(java.lang.String sRouterAddr, java.lang.String sPeerAddr, java.lang.String sPrefix, boolean bIn)
 java.util.Vector CBGPSimulator.bgpRouterGetPeers(java.lang.String sRouterAddr)
 java.util.Vector CBGPSimulator.bgpRouterGetRib(java.lang.String sRouterAddr, java.lang.String sPrefix)
 void CBGPSimulator.bgpRouterLoadRib(java.lang.String sRouterAddr, java.lang.String sFileName)
 void CBGPSimulator.bgpRouterPeerRecv(java.lang.String sRouterAddr, java.lang.String sPeerAddr, java.lang.String sMsg)
 void CBGPSimulator.bgpRouterPeerUp(java.lang.String sRouterAddr, java.lang.String sPeerAddr, boolean bUp)
 java.util.Vector CBGPSimulator.netNodeGetLinks(java.lang.String sNodeAddr)
 java.util.Vector CBGPSimulator.netNodeGetRT(java.lang.String sNodeAddr, java.lang.String sPrefix)
    CBGPSimulator.netNodeRecordRoute(java.lang.String sNodeAddr, java.lang.String sDstAddr)
 void CBGPSimulator.runCmd(java.lang.String sCommand)
 void CBGPSimulator.simRun()

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 java.lang.String CBGPInfo.actionGetAdjRIB(CBGPSimulator cbgp, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> paramsIndex)
          Dumps the BGP Adjacent Routing Information Base(s) of the given router.
 java.lang.String CBGPInfo.actionGetLinks(CBGPSimulator cbgp, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> paramsIndex)
          Dumps the list of links of the given router.
 java.lang.String CBGPInfo.actionGetPeers(CBGPSimulator cbgp, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> paramsIndex)
          Dumps the neighbors of the given router.
 java.lang.String CBGPInfo.actionGetRIB(CBGPSimulator cbgp, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> paramsIndex)
          Dumps the BGP Routing Information Base of the given router.
 java.lang.String CBGPInfo.actionGetRT(CBGPSimulator cbgp, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> paramsIndex)
          Dumps the routing table of the given router.
 java.lang.String CBGPInfo.actionRecordRoute(CBGPSimulator cbgp, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> paramsIndex)
          Dumps the traced-route from a source node to a destination node.

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 java.util.List<java.util.List<Path>> DomainValidator.getEqualCostMultiPath()
          Returns a list containing lists of paths.
 java.util.List<java.util.List<Path>> DomainValidator.getEqualCostMultiPath(java.lang.String algo)
          Returns a list containing lists of paths.
 Path SPFCache.getPath(Node src, Node dst)
          Get the SPF path between a source node and a destination node
 java.util.List<Path> SPFCache.getPath(Node src, Node dst, boolean ECMP)
          Get all the SPF path between a source node and a destination node if the ECMP is true and a single SPF otherwise
 java.util.List<Path> SPFCache.getPath(Node src, Node dst, boolean ECMP, boolean stopOnError)
          Get all the SPF path between a source node and a destination node if the ECMP is true and a single SPF otherwise
 boolean DomainValidator.isEqualCostMultiPath()
          Check if there exists equal cost multi path in the topology

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 java.util.List<java.util.List<Path>> DomainValidatorImpl.getEqualCostMultiPath()
 java.util.List<java.util.List<Path>> DomainValidatorImpl.getEqualCostMultiPath(java.lang.String algo)
 Path SPFCacheImpl.getPath(Node src, Node dst)
          Get the SPF path between a source node and a destination node
 java.util.List<Path> SPFCacheImpl.getPath(Node src, Node dst, boolean ECMP)
          Get all the SPF path between a source node and a destination node if the ECMP is true and a single SPF otherwise
 java.util.List<Path> SPFCacheImpl.getPath(Node src, Node dst, boolean ECMP, boolean stopOnError)
 boolean DomainValidatorImpl.isEqualCostMultiPath()
          Check if there exists equal cost multi path in the topology

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
protected  java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,CSPFElem> CSPF.computeCSPF(Domain domain, int priority, Node srcNode, Node dstNode, float bw, boolean stopToSourceOrDestination, boolean computeFromSourceToDestination)
          Computes the CSPF between a source node and a destination node with a bandwidth requirement
protected  java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,CSPFElem> CSPF.computeCSPF(Domain domain, int priority, Node srcNode, Node dstNode, float bw, boolean stopToSourceOrDestination, boolean computeFromSourceToDestination, java.util.HashSet<Link> avoidLinks)
          Computes the CSPF between a source node and a destination node with a bandwidth requirement
 java.util.List<Path> CSPF.computeFullMeshSPF(Domain domain)
 java.util.List<Path> Bhandari.computeFullMeshSPF(Domain domain)
          Compute the SPF from all source nodes to all destination nodes on the given domain
 java.util.List<Path> CSPF.computeFullMeshSPF(Domain domain, boolean ECMP)
 java.util.List<Path> Bhandari.computeFullMeshSPF(Domain domain, boolean ECMP)
 SimplifiedPath[] BhandariKDisjointPath.computeLinkDisjointPath(int src, int dst, int k)
          Compute K disjoint shortest path between src to dst.
 java.util.List<Path> CSPF.computeSPF(Domain domain, boolean isSource, java.lang.String node)
 java.util.List<Path> CSPF.computeSPF(Domain domain, boolean isSource, java.lang.String node, boolean ECMP)
 java.util.List<Path> CSPF.computeSPF(Domain domain, java.lang.String src)
 java.util.List<Path> Bhandari.computeSPF(Domain domain, java.lang.String src)
          Compute the SPF from a source node to all destination nodes on the given domain
 java.util.List<Path> CSPF.computeSPF(Domain domain, java.lang.String src, boolean ECMP)
 java.util.List<Path> Bhandari.computeSPF(Domain domain, java.lang.String src, boolean ECMP)
 Path CSPF.computeSPF(Domain domain, java.lang.String src, java.lang.String dst)
 Path Bhandari.computeSPF(Domain domain, java.lang.String src, java.lang.String dst)
          Compute the SPF from a source node to a destination node on the given domain
 java.util.List<Path> CSPF.computeSPF(Domain domain, java.lang.String src, java.lang.String dst, boolean ECMP)
 java.util.List<Path> Bhandari.computeSPF(Domain domain, java.lang.String src, java.lang.String dst, boolean ECMP)
          Computes the shortest path between two nodes.
 java.util.List<SimplifiedPath> Bhandari.computeSPF(SimplifiedDomain domain, int src)
          Compute the SPF from all source nodes to all destination nodes on the SimplifiedDomain
 SimplifiedPath Bhandari.computeSPF(SimplifiedDomain domain, int src, int dst)
          Compute the SPF from a source node to a destination node on the SimplifiedDomain
protected  java.util.List<Path> CSPF.extractPath(Domain domain, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,CSPFElem> path, Node node, boolean ECMP, boolean computeFromSourceToDestination)
protected  java.util.List<Path> CSPF.extractPath(Domain domain, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,CSPFElem> path, Node srcNode, Node dstNode, boolean ECMP, boolean computeFromSourceToDestination)
 TotemActionList CSPF.routeBypass(LSPBypassRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a bypass.
 TotemActionList CSPF.routeDetour(Domain domain, LSPDetourRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a detour backup for a LSP.
 TotemActionList CSPF.routeLSP(Domain domain, LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter param)
 TotemActionList CSPF.routeNLSP(Domain domain, java.util.List<LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter> param)

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 void DAMOTE.addLSP(Lsp lsp)
          Adds an LSP to DAMOTE database
 int[] JNIDAMOTE.jnicomputePath(int lspId, int src, int dst, int rrid, int rrsrc, int rrdst, int PL, int OA, float reservation, int[] colorArray, boolean ADDLSP, boolean PREEMPT)
          Computes a primary LSP with DAMOTE
 void DAMOTE.removeLSP(java.lang.String lspid)
          Remove an LSP from DAMOTE database
 TotemActionList DAMOTE.routeBypass(LSPBypassRoutingParameter param)
 TotemActionList DAMOTE.routeDetour(Domain dom, LSPDetourRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a global detour or local detours for a primary LSP
 TotemActionList DAMOTE.routeLSP(Domain dom, LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a path with DAMOTE for one demand from a source node to a destination node with a bandwidth requirement
 TotemActionList DAMOTE.routeNLSP(Domain dom, java.util.List<LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter> param)
          Computes paths with DAMOTE for a list of demands.

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 java.util.List<Path> SPF.computeFullMeshSPF(Domain domain)
          Computes a unique shortest path between all nodes in the topology
 java.util.List<Path> SPF.computeFullMeshSPF(Domain domain, boolean ECMP)
          Computes the shortest paths between all nodes in the topology
 java.util.List<Path> SPF.computeSPF(Domain domain, boolean isSource, java.lang.String node)
          Computes a unique shortest path from (resp.
 java.util.List<Path> SPF.computeSPF(Domain domain, boolean isSource, java.lang.String node, boolean ECMP)
          Computes the shortest paths from (resp.
 java.util.List<Path> SPF.computeSPF(Domain domain, java.lang.String src)
          Computes a unique shortest path from a source node to all destination node
 java.util.List<Path> SPF.computeSPF(Domain domain, java.lang.String src, boolean ECMP)
          Computes the shortest paths from a source node to all destination node
 Path SPF.computeSPF(Domain domain, java.lang.String src, java.lang.String dst)
          Computes a unique shortest path between two nodes
 java.util.List<Path> SPF.computeSPF(Domain domain, java.lang.String src, java.lang.String dst, boolean ECMP)
          Computes the shortest path between two nodes.
 TotemActionList LSPBackupRouting.routeBypass(LSPBypassRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a bypass.
 TotemActionList LSPBackupRouting.routeDetour(Domain domain, LSPDetourRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a detour backup for a LSP
 TotemActionList LSPPrimaryRouting.routeLSP(Domain domain, LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a path for a LSP
 TotemActionList LSPPrimaryRouting.routeNLSP(Domain domain, java.util.List<LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter> param)
          Computes paths for a list of LSPs specified by a list of LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 double[] MultiCommodityFlow.compute(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm)

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 double[] OptDivideTMLoadComputer.compute(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm)
          Compute the link load of the specified traffic matrix on the domain
 void OptDivideTMLoadComputer.establishFullmeshes(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm)

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
static void Test.main(java.lang.String[] args)

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 TrafficMatrix TrafficGenerator.generateTM()

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
abstract  void RoutingMatrix.recompute()
          Recomputes the routing matrix.
 void BooleanRoutingMatrix.recompute()
          Recomputes the routing matrix.
 void RealRoutingMatrix.recompute()
          Recomputes the routing matrix.

Constructors in that throw RoutingException
BooleanRoutingMatrix(Domain domain)
          Initialises and computes a newly created routing matrix for the domain domain according to the SPF algorithm.
BooleanRoutingMatrix(SPF spf, Domain domain, boolean stopOnError)
          Initialises and computes a newly created routing matrix for the domain domain according to the SPF algorithm.
RealRoutingMatrix(Domain domain)
RealRoutingMatrix(Domain domain, SPF spf, boolean stopOnError, boolean ECMP)

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 void TrafficMatrixManager.generateTrafficMatrix(int asId, int tmId, TrafficModel model, double fraction)
          Deprecated. Use TrafficGeneratorInterface and sub-classes instead and TrafficGeneratorFactory.
 TrafficMatrix TrafficMatrixManager.generateTrafficMatrix(int asId, int tmId, TrafficModel model, double fraction, boolean generateOnlyEdgeTraffic)
          Deprecated. Use TrafficGeneratorInterface and sub-classes instead and TrafficGeneratorFactory.

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 void POPPOPTrafficMatrixGeneration.simRun()
          Run cbgp.

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 double[] TmLoadComputer.compute(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm)
          Compute the link load of the specified traffic matrix on the domain
 double[] TrafficMatrix.getLinkLoad()
          Deprecated. Use class LinkLoadComputer instead.
 double[] TrafficMatrix.getLinkUtilisation()
          Deprecated. Use class LinkLoadComputer instead.
 double[] LinkLoadComputer.getLoad()
          Returns a vector that represent links load.
 double LinkLoadComputer.getLoad(Link lnk)
          Returns the load calculated for the given link.
 double[] LinkLoadComputer.getUtilization()
          Returns a vector that represent links utilization.
 double LinkLoadComputer.getUtilization(Link lnk)
          Returns the utilization calculated for the given link.

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 double[] IGPShortcutStrategy.compute(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm)
 double[] SPFLinkLoadStrategy.compute(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm)
          Compute the link load of the specified traffic matrix on the domain
 double[] OverlayStrategy.compute(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm)
          Compute the link load of the specified traffic matrix on the domain
 double[] BasicIGPShortcutStrategy.compute(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm)
          Compute the link load of the specified traffic matrix on the domain
 Path IGPShortcutStrategy.computePath(Domain domain, Node srcNode, Node dstNode)
 Path BasicIGPShortcutStrategy.computePath(Domain domain, Node srcNode, Node dstNode)
 double[] TrafficMatrixImpl.getLinkLoad()
          Deprecated. Use class LinkLoadComputer instead.
 double[] TrafficMatrixImpl.getLinkUtilisation()
          Deprecated. Use class LinkLoadComputer instead.
 double[] LinkLoadComputerImpl.getLoad()
 double LinkLoadComputerImpl.getLoad(Link lnk)
 double[] LinkLoadComputerImpl.getUtilization()
 double LinkLoadComputerImpl.getUtilization(Link lnk)

Uses of RoutingException in

Methods in that throw RoutingException
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> RoutingGUIModule.addDetourLsp(java.lang.String lspId, java.lang.String protectedLspId, java.lang.String methodType, java.lang.String protectionType, LSPBackupRouting routing, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> params)

Uses of RoutingException in it.unina.repository.MIRA

Methods in it.unina.repository.MIRA that throw RoutingException
 void MIRA.addLSP(Lsp lsp)
          Adds an LSP to MIRA database
static int[] JNIMIRA.jnicomputePath(int src, int dst, float bandwidth, int ADDLSP)
          Computes a primary LSP with MIRA
 void MIRA.removeLSP(java.lang.String lspid)
          Remove an LSP from MIRA database
 TotemActionList MIRA.routeLSP(Domain dom, LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a path with MIRA for one demand from a source node to a destination node with a bandwidth requirement
 TotemActionList MIRA.routeNLSP(Domain dom, java.util.List<LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter> param)
          Computes paths with MIRA for a list of demands.

Uses of RoutingException in nl.tudelft.repository.XAMCRA

Methods in nl.tudelft.repository.XAMCRA that throw RoutingException
 void XAMCRA.addLSP(Lsp lsp)
          Adds an LSP to XAMCRA database
static int[] JNIXAMCRA.jnicomputePath(int src, int dst, double bandwidth, double[] qosConstraint, int ADDLSP)
          Computes a primary LSP with XAMCRA
 TotemActionList XAMCRA.routeLSP(Domain dom, LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter param)
          Computes a path with XAMCRA for one demand from a source node to a destination node with a bandwidth requirement
 TotemActionList XAMCRA.routeNLSP(Domain dom, java.util.List<LSPPrimaryRoutingParameter> param)
          Computes paths with XAMCRA for a list of demands.

Uses of RoutingException in test

Methods in test that throw RoutingException
 void DAMOTETest.test2()
 void DAMOTETest.test3()
 void ListenersTest.testaddremoveLSP()
          check the number of listeners in the domain, start algorithms, add a explicit route lsp in the domain, route a second lsp and check that the right route is taken (that the first lsp is added in the algorithm specific database)
 void BWSharingTest.testBackupBackup()
 void HybridStrategiesTest.testBasicIGPShortcut()
 void BhandariTest.testCompareWithCSPF()
 void CSPFTest.testComputeSPFSource()
 void HybridStrategiesTest.testIGPShortcut()
 void XAMCRATest.testMetricConstraint()
          Test with Metric and TEMetric Constraints.
 void MIRATest.testNEWMIRA()
 void BhandariTest.testNonConsecutiveId()
 void XAMCRATest.testNonConsecutiveIds()
 void RoutingMatrixTest.testRealRoutingMatrix()
 void XAMCRATest.testRouteBw()
          Test with only bw constraint
 void XAMCRATest.testRouteBwDelay()
          Test with bw and delay constraint (path 0-3-2 does not satisfy constraints anymore)
 void MIRATest.testSMIRA()

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