Uses of Class

Packages that use LinkNotFoundException
at.ftw.repository.reopt This package holds the model for the domain package. This package holds classes which are the implementation of the model for the domain package. This package holds classes that represent a simplified view of a Domain object. This package holds classes which allow you to compute all the distinct routes. This package holds CSPF-related classes (various implementations of the CSPF algorithm is available). This package holds an implementation of an MPLS LSP fullmesh optimal MIP model This package holds an implementation of the multi-commodity flow algorithm. This package holds the model for the trafficMatrix package. This package holds the implementation of the model for the trafficMatrix package.   
test This package holds JUnit test classes. 

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in at.ftw.repository.reopt

Methods in at.ftw.repository.reopt that throw LinkNotFoundException
 TotemActionList<SetLspReservationAction> FTWReopt.calculateInitialSolution(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm, int profit, int changeCost)
 void FTWReopt.createDataFile(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm, int profit, int changeCost, boolean isInitialDataFile)
 void LSPGeneration.generateLSP(int ASID, int nbParallelPath)
          Generate a fullmesh of nbParallelPath disjoint LSPs between each nodes of the domain ASID.
 TotemActionList<SetLspReservationAction> FTWReopt.reopt(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm, int profit, int changeCost)

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw LinkNotFoundException
 void DomainValidator.forceConnected()
          Removes nodes and links that are not in the connected set of maximum size so that the graph is connected.
 void DomainValidator.forceDuplexConnected()
          Checks that all the nodes of the topology have at least an outlink and an inlink.
 void DomainValidator.forceLoopFree()
          This method removes all the loops present in the topology.
 Link Domain.getLink(java.lang.String id)
          Return the link with the specified id
 Link Domain.getLinkBetweenNodes(java.lang.String srcNodeId, java.lang.String srcIfId, java.lang.String dstNodeId, java.lang.String dstIfId)
          Returns the link between srcNode and dstNode and using the specified interfaces.
 Link Domain.getLinkFrom(java.lang.String nodeId, java.lang.String nodeInterfaceId)
          Returns the link connecting the given interface on the given source node.
 java.lang.String DomainConvertor.getLinkId(int id)
          Convert a int link id in a String link id
 int DomainConvertor.getLinkId(java.lang.String id)
          Convert a String link id in a int link id
 Link Domain.getLinkTo(java.lang.String nodeId, java.lang.String nodeInterfaceId)
          Returns the link connecting the given interface on the given destination node.
 java.util.List<Link> Lsp.getProtectedLinks()
 java.util.List<Link> Domain.getReverseLinks(java.lang.String linkId)
          Returns the list of reverse links for link linkId.
 boolean DomainValidator.isDuplexConnected()
          Checks that all the nodes of the topology have at least an outlink and an inlink.
 void Domain.removeLink(Link link)
          Remove a link from the domain.
 void DomainConvertor.removeLinkId(java.lang.String linkId)
          Remove the conversion for the link linkId
 void Domain.removeNode(Node node)
          Remove a node from the domain.
 void Domain.renameLink(java.lang.String oldId, java.lang.String newId)
 void DomainConvertor.renameLinkId(java.lang.String oldId, java.lang.String newId)
          Rename a Link without changing its int id

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw LinkNotFoundException
 void DomainValidatorImpl.forceConnected()
          Removes nodes and links that are not in the connected set of maximum size so that the graph is connected.
 void DomainValidatorImpl.forceDuplexConnected()
          Checks that all the nodes of the topology have at least an outlink and an inlink.
 void DomainValidatorImpl.forceLoopFree()
          This method removes all the loops present in the topology.
 Link DomainImpl.getLink(java.lang.String id)
          Return the link with the specified id
 Link DomainImpl.getLinkBetweenNodes(java.lang.String srcNodeId, java.lang.String srcIfId, java.lang.String dstNodeId, java.lang.String dstIfId)
          Returns the link between srcNode and dstNode and using the specified interfaces.
 Link DomainImpl.getLinkFrom(java.lang.String nodeId, java.lang.String nodeInterfaceId)
          Returns the link connecting the given interface on the given source node.
 java.lang.String DomainConvertorImpl.getLinkId(int id)
          Convert a int link id in a String link id
 int DomainConvertorImpl.getLinkId(java.lang.String id)
          Convert a String link id in a int link id
 LinkIgp DomainImpl.getLinkIgp(java.lang.String linkId)
          Get a LinkIgp from the specified linkId
 Link DomainImpl.getLinkTo(java.lang.String nodeId, java.lang.String nodeInterfaceId)
          Returns the link connecting the given interface on the given destination node.
 java.util.List<Link> LspImpl.getProtectedLinks()
          If the LSP is a backup LSP and protect one or more links, this method return the list of protected links and null otherwise.
 java.util.List<Link> DomainImpl.getReverseLinks(java.lang.String linkId)
          Returns the list of reverse links for link linkId.
 boolean DomainValidatorImpl.isDuplexConnected()
          Checks that all the nodes of the topology have at least an outlink and an inlink.
 void DomainImpl.removeLink(Link link)
          Remove a link from the domain.
 void DomainConvertorImpl.removeLinkId(java.lang.String linkId)
          Remove the conversion for the link linkId
 void DomainImpl.removeNode(Node node)
          Remove a node from the domain.
 void DomainImpl.renameLink(java.lang.String oldId, java.lang.String newId)
 void DomainConvertorImpl.renameLinkId(java.lang.String oldId, java.lang.String newId)

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw LinkNotFoundException
 Path SimplifiedPath.convert(Domain domain)
 float SimplifiedDomain.getLinkCapacity(int linkId)
          Get the capacity of the link
 float SimplifiedDomain.getLinkDelay(int linkId)
          Get the weight of the link
 int SimplifiedDomain.getLinkDst(int linkId)
          Get the destination node of the link
 int SimplifiedDomain.getLinkSrc(int linkId)
          Get the source node of the link
 float SimplifiedDomain.getLinkWeight(int linkId)
          Get the weight of the link
 int[] SimplifiedDomain.getNodesPath(int[] linksPath)
 boolean SimplifiedPath.isDisjoint(SimplifiedPath p2)
 void SimplifiedDomain.removeInOutLinks(int nodeId)
 void SimplifiedDomain.removeLink(int linkId)
 float SimplifiedDomain.setLinkWeight(int linkId, float weight)
          Set the link weight

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw LinkNotFoundException
 java.util.List<SimplifiedPath> ComputeAllDistinctPath.compute(int srcNode, int dstNode, int maxDepth)
          Compute all distinct routes from a source to a destination with maxDepth maximum route length.
 void AllDistinctRoutes.computeAllDistinctRoute(SimplifiedDomain domain, int maxDepth)
          Compute all the distinct routes on a given SimplifiedDomain.
 void AllDistinctRoutes.computeAllDistinctRoute(SimplifiedDomain domain, int maxDepth, int nbPath, boolean verbose)

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw LinkNotFoundException
 SimplifiedPath[] BhandariKDisjointPath.computeLinkDisjointPath(int src, int dst, int k)
          Compute K disjoint shortest path between src to dst.
 java.util.List<SimplifiedPath> Bhandari.computeSPF(SimplifiedDomain domain, int src)
          Compute the SPF from all source nodes to all destination nodes on the SimplifiedDomain
 SimplifiedPath Bhandari.computeSPF(SimplifiedDomain domain, int src, int dst)
          Compute the SPF from a source node to a destination node on the SimplifiedDomain

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw LinkNotFoundException
 float[] MplsRouting.compute(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm)
          Compute the link utilisation produce by the Mpls Routing using glpsol
 void MplsRouting.createDataFile(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm)
          Create the data file

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw LinkNotFoundException
 double[] MultiCommodityFlow.computeCommodityFlow(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm)
          Compute the link utilisation produce by the MCF using glpsol
 void MultiCommodityFlow.createMCFMinMaxUtilDataFile(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm)
          Create the data file

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw LinkNotFoundException
static CandidatePathList PairDisjointPathCPLGenerator.generate(PairDisjointPathCPLGeneratorParameter params)
 SinglePathCPL SinglePathCPLGenerator.generate(SinglePathCPLGeneratorParameter params, boolean verbose)

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw LinkNotFoundException
 int ExtendedPath.getEgress()
 int ExtendedPath.getIngress()

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw LinkNotFoundException
static void Test.main(java.lang.String[] args)

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw LinkNotFoundException
 LinkLoadData Evaluator.constructLinkLoadFromTM(RoutingMatrix a, TrafficMatrix[] x, int step)
          This method construct a linkLoadData structure associated with a traffic matrix
 double[] Evaluator.constructSNMPfromTM(RoutingMatrix a, TrafficMatrix x)
          This method construct a link count array associated with a traffic matrix

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw LinkNotFoundException
 double LinkLoadComputer.getLoad(Link lnk)
          Returns the load calculated for the given link.
 double LinkLoadComputer.getUtilization(Link lnk)
          Returns the utilization calculated for the given link.

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw LinkNotFoundException
static void SPFLinkLoadStrategy.calculateLoads(Domain domain, TrafficMatrix tm, double[] loads, java.util.List<java.util.List<Link>> links, float fraction, int src, int dst)
 Path BasicIGPShortcutStrategy.computePath(Domain domain, Node srcNode, Node dstNode)
 double LinkLoadComputerImpl.getLoad(Link lnk)
 double LinkLoadComputerImpl.getUtilization(Link lnk)

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in

Constructors in that throw LinkNotFoundException
ChangeLinkCapacityWIAction(Domain domain, Link link, float bw)
ChangeLinkCapacityWIAction(Domain domain, Link link, float bw, boolean reverseLink)
LinkDownWIAction(Domain domain, Link link)
LinkDownWIAction(Domain domain, Link link, boolean reverseLink)
LinkUpWIAction(Domain domain, Link link)
LinkUpWIAction(Domain domain, Link link, boolean reverseLink)

Uses of LinkNotFoundException in test

Methods in test that throw LinkNotFoundException
 void DAMOTETest.test2()
 void PreemptTest.test2PreemptNoBwSharing()
 void DAMOTETest.test3()
 void DomaintTest.testAddLsp()
          Add a LSP in a domain with existings LSPs
 void DomaintTest.testAddLsp2()
          Add a LSP in a domain without MPLS section
 void DiffServTest.testAddPriorityLevelDF()
 void ListenersTest.testaddremoveLSP()
          check the number of listeners in the domain, start algorithms, add a explicit route lsp in the domain, route a second lsp and check that the right route is taken (that the first lsp is added in the algorithm specific database)
 void DomaintTest.testAddRemoveLsp()
          Add and remove a LSP from a domain
 void BWSharingTest.testBackupBackup()
 void HybridStrategiesTest.testBasicIGPShortcut()
 void BhandariTest.testCompareWithCSPF()
 void DiffServTest.testDiffServ()
 void RoutingPathTest.testE2ERoutingPath()
 void DomaintTest.testGetIgpLink()
          Test access to the LinkIgp in a DomainImpl
 void DomaintTest.testGetLink()
          Test Access to the Link in a Domain
 void DomaintTest.testInOutLinks()
 void AllDistinctRoutesTest.testLoadSaveDistinctRoutes()
 void ScenarioTest.testLoadSaveScenario()
 void RoutingPathTest.testLocalBackupRoutingPath()
 void AllDistinctRoutesTest.testMaxDepth()
 void MCFTest.testMCF()
 void XAMCRATest.testMetricConstraint()
          Test with Metric and TEMetric Constraints.
 void MIRATest.testNEWMIRA()
 void DiffServTest.testNoDiffServ()
 void BhandariTest.testNonConsecutiveId()
 void XAMCRATest.testNonConsecutiveIds()
 void PreemptTest.testPreemptImpos()
          Try to add a lsp on a path with insufficent free bandwidth and check reservations on lsp links.
 void PreemptTest.testPreemptNoBwSharing()
 void RoutingPathTest.testPrimaryRoutingPath()
 void DiffServTest.testRbwBCMethodsDF()
 void RoutingMatrixTest.testRealRoutingMatrix()
 void DomaintTest.testRemoveLink()
          Remove a link from test-domain1.xml
 void DiffServTest.testRemovePriorityLevelDF()
 void XAMCRATest.testRouteBw()
          Test with only bw constraint
 void XAMCRATest.testRouteBwDelay()
          Test with bw and delay constraint (path 0-3-2 does not satisfy constraints anymore)
 void AllDistinctRoutesTest.testSimpleDomain()
 void MIRATest.testSMIRA()

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